When building an inbound marketing strategy, there’s no shortage of channels to target. Organic acquisition channels are a critical part of every sustainable …
[Read more...] about Top 10 organic acquisition channels and how to optimize them
B2B eCommerce Content Marketing and Strategy
When building an inbound marketing strategy, there’s no shortage of channels to target. Organic acquisition channels are a critical part of every sustainable …
[Read more...] about Top 10 organic acquisition channels and how to optimize them
Referrals are to freelancing what subscriptions are to eCommerce: the holy grail. Referred clients trust you more, their projects have a running start, and …
Imagine your friend invited you to a party and promised they’d introduce you to everyone — and then they got amnesia. You don't know any of the other attendees, …
Building a powerful marketing team is a smart move at any growth stage. I've worked as a one-woman marketing team for early-stage startups and with enterprise …
[Read more...] about How to build and organize your marketing team structure
There's a world of difference between product marketing and growth marketing, with both playing key roles in a company's success. Yet founders often struggle to …
In comparison to email, SMS marketing takes the cake for acquisition marketing and customer retention. SMS offers a multitude of advantages that surpass what …
[Read more...] about How SMS marketing can increase loyalty and conversions
Social media is one of the top organic acquisition channels to educate, inspire, and retain customers. It's far reaching, wielding unmatched influence over …
The average email open rate is 18%, and the average click-through rate is just 2.6%. That means if you send out an exciting new product release or sale to 1,000 …
Note: I was brought on in a freelance capacity to organize the Discoverr Conference. The thoughts and opinions below are my own, and don't reflect the Deliverr …
[Read more...] about Lessons from organizing the 2nd annual Discoverr Conference
Want to collaborate? Find me at Rachel[at]rachelandreago.com.